(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Border Patrol experiencing large-scale surveillance camera outage



    • My thoughts exactly, meaning that they are in a squeeze to get in as many as possible before the next administration.

  1. Well isn’t that just soooo convenient? Let in at least AT LEAST a third more illegals without it being their fault??

    And of course no one has made this public. 🤬🤬🤬🤬

  2. The ask dml. And the question about the middle Eastern people driving trucks. They are all coming in from Canada. If you look at the plates most are Canadian. Otherwise they are from California

  3. How about border patrol get out the AK-47’s or whatever they use and start shooting these illegal freeloaders. How convenient, just in time to get them on the voter roles, right? FU joe biden and kamala the kunt.

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