(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Bombshell FDA email reveals push for transgender ‘health care’ despite alarming side effects



  1. Get these freaks out of our faces 24/7. I don’t give a rat’s ass about their trans health care. I hope to NEVER pay for one of these freaks to have their sex changed which is unnecessary medical surgery. You are your DNA and can’t change it no matter what you identify as. FFS, identify as a damn cat if you want to. They want to cut off their peckers or add vaginas, pay your own medical bills. Will you freaks pay for my medical bills if I want to get plastic surgery which is unnecessary medical surgery. Get this garbage out of 99% of straight law-abiding common-sense American’s faces. Not bowing to 1% of you freaks because of your immoral despicable fantasies and filthy behavior. Hear that dylan mulvaney? You are a freak.

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