(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Blue state mistakenly registers over 1,000 possible noncitizens to vote, DMV admits



  1. I don’t believe they say it was “an error.” If someone didn’t rat or find it out in error these illegals would be voting. They need all the states to do a sweep. Election interference. Fraud. Corrupt. Illegal.

  2. Hmmmm- maybe ILLEGAL ALIENS shouldn’t be getting drivers licenses in the first place! I mean come on- its giving them a state ID , but citizens say they cant get one 🤷🏻‍♀️

  3. It’s illigal to vote if you are not a citizen. It should be a jail sentence if you sign illigals up to vote and they do vote.yoiu can sit next to them in the jail cell That way “mistakes” like this won’t keep happening.

  4. They are illegal and at a government facility, why not arrest them and deport them? Oh yeah it’s a blue state thing. Give them everything and sign them up to vote while they are there. WTF!

  5. ERROR MY ASS . Don’t EVER EVER EVER Give up your Freedom or GUNS, How incompetent or TRAITOROUS Do they have to be Before they are held accountable? WE THE PEOPLE 🇺🇸 Trump Vance 🇺🇸

  6. It’s no mistake & it’s happening at ALL DMVS!!
    Are these ILLEGALS required to take the written & drivers tests?
    Who’s checking to see if they’re getting & keeping their vehicles insured, inspected?


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