(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: Billionaire Sam Altman spars with Elon Musk day after joining Trump in White House, previous anti-Trump positions exposed



  1. I believe this is how they are exposing all the corrupt corporations that are in our country. The Tucker Carlson video is mind blowing.It just shows how corrupt people will do anything to protect themselves.

  2. Trump knows these people hate him and have worked to destroy his presidency however Trump knows he needs more billionaires And their ideas to further the country. Musk is not the only one with money and ideas.
    I think what musk did was childish and hurtful to the work Trump wants to get done.
    I also know if musk continues to be butt hurt and openly trashes anyone Trump works with that musk is in competition with buisness wise then musk is going to cause himself to be distanced from Trump’s orbit…
    If musk has issues he should go behind the scenes not out in public

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