(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: At least two GOP senators say they will not vote for Hegseth



  1. I guessed those two even before I reading the article. Why don’t those two bitches just change parties. Better yet vote them out. Recall them. Whatever has to be done pkease

  2. The usual suspects! What a disgrace. I hope both lose their seats when the time comes. Hegseth is more than qualified. It seems to me these two RINOS have been compromised. As for Mitch he better come thru or he may face early retirement. Collins and Markowski always pull this crap. It’s time to vote them out.

  3. They both should receive thousands of calls from their constituents demanding they vote for Pete. They both should be primaried in their next elections.

  4. These two needs to be voted out! Since when they are so concern about his experience. That didn’t stop them to vote in the previous one, after his disastrous performance. This only tell us that theirs brains are only with the democrats, rhinos!🤬🤮

  5. I knew it would be those two when I heard two Republicans were considering voting against him. If nothing else they can be counted on to vote against their party. Time to switch sides ladies.

  6. Why don’t the two HAGS officially switch parties since they vote with the DemoncRATS more often than not. Both are just despicable 🤬

  7. It’s funny how these two are always the same two that cause issues.both women’s statements are similar and both trash Heghseth. Seriously?! Give me a break we are not looking for a Chaplin we are looking for someone to have the backs of the soldiers. I think hearing from the women in service who support Heghseth should speak louder then trying to twist his words for the democrats narrative .
    If these women stayed with they do not feel he is ready and has the knowledge to run such an office I could respect that..


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