There are two sexes. Blow aclu out of the water and make that organization become extinct. They are a hate terrorist organization against children. To support sex change surgeries for 12-year-olds is outrageous. These kids don’t know what the hell color socks they are wearing tomorrow….do you actually think they know what sex they want to be when they turn 21. They will regret this the rest of their lives. This is on the educators who are indoctrinating this garbage into their young minds. When I was 12 years old, I was playing with Revlon dolls, sewing doll clothes for them and studying to play the violin and playing on the girls volley-ball team. Now 12-year-olds are worried about changing their sex? I call BS.
It is total BS!!Never thought in my life that transgender would be a topic of conversation, especially in politics and the crazy loony news! Liberals are treating children like this is the greatest new fad ever! No it is a lifetime of messing kids up!Sick as hell.
There is no such thing as “trans youth”!!! NO SUCH THING!! You are a boy OR a girl, period. And you can not ever change that fact….
There is no such thing as trans-youths.
ACLU are doing Satan’s work. To want kids to be able to irreversible alter their bodies before they are adults is an abomination 🤬🤬🤬
There are two sexes. Blow aclu out of the water and make that organization become extinct. They are a hate terrorist organization against children. To support sex change surgeries for 12-year-olds is outrageous. These kids don’t know what the hell color socks they are wearing tomorrow….do you actually think they know what sex they want to be when they turn 21. They will regret this the rest of their lives. This is on the educators who are indoctrinating this garbage into their young minds. When I was 12 years old, I was playing with Revlon dolls, sewing doll clothes for them and studying to play the violin and playing on the girls volley-ball team. Now 12-year-olds are worried about changing their sex? I call BS.
It is total BS!!Never thought in my life that transgender would be a topic of conversation, especially in politics and the crazy loony news! Liberals are treating children like this is the greatest new fad ever! No it is a lifetime of messing kids up!Sick as hell.