(Commenting on)  NEWS ALERT: 145 Democrats vote against bill to deport illegal aliens who commit sexual assault



  1. Wait a second. The criminal aliens being deported didn’t include those that committed sexual assault? They had to vote on it? WTH!

    A lot of Dems voted against it?! Unreal to this all.

  2. Unbelievable, 145, I’d love too see what would happen if something like this happened to them or their kids

  3. All those demonrats should be OUT of office. Not to be mean but I hope an illegal does something to their family.

    Second. Illegal is illegal and we shouldn’t even need a new law. They are here illegally and our constitution and laws we already have in place needs to be respected and adhered to. Deport. Deport. Deport. The ones not captured right away but get caught in a crime should automatically go! Don’t pass go!

  4. A large portion of Democrats are soulless, evil devils, wolfs in sheep’s clothing!! How any person with any soul or heart can remain a democrat is absolutely astonishing!! Those who voted against this bill must be demon possessed and secret sex offenders themselves!!

  5. 145 commies is how it should read and they all should resign immediately. This is not the republic our forefathers envisioned. What an embarrassment you scumbags are to we the people.

  6. Post the list of 145 who voted against this. They better get down on their knees and start praying it doesn’t happen to any of them and their loved ones. Karma has a way of coming around

  7. Nancy Mace, you are my hero and shame on all those demonrats who just couldn’t come together for the safety of our citizens! They are all traitors!!

  8. Are you freaking kidding me??? WTF is wrong with these “idjiots???” They want this kind of shit to happen to the women and children in THEIR family??? Just absolutely despicable!!! Vote these 145 traitors to our country and it’s legal citizens out of office!!! They do NOT deserve to serve!!!

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