(Commenting on)  Nancy Pelosi’s Big Stock Moves Revealed



    • Insider trading is just one of the perks afforded to our legistators. They make the laws that make the deals that make them rich. Why do you think they fight so hard to get relected? Spending millions for a job that pays $200k.

  1. You all are kidding right, 🐖losi doing Insider Trading. Not Nancy! You’re damn right she’s doing it 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  2. Why is this hag not in prison? Total insider trading. Lock that scumbag uo and throw away the keys.

  3. And everyone heard that Piglisi’s husband’s attacker got life in prison. Yet an illegal alien who rapes a child gets $500 bond.
    So now we protect our lawmakers but not our children. Downright disgusting and illegal justice!!!!

  4. Martha Stewart did time for Insider Trading and wore an ankle cuff for months. So why is this KUNT pelosi still roaming the street free as ever..

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