(Commenting on)  Nancy Pelosi says Trump has dementia



    • That roadmap face of wrinkles is pelosi. If she has those eyebrows raised any more, her boobs will be in her cheeks. I bet her ass has more wrinkles than that. No, we don’t want to see it.

  1. Democrats are always gaslighting. And their followers just mindlessly believe everything they say. What an insult to the American people. They must really think we are stupid. It’s obvious the fix is in. It really is becoming apparent that WE have no say in elections at all.

  2. The problem with the elite is they do not live in the real world.
    The fact now Pelosi is trying to have Trump under suspicion of dementia is laughable at best.
    This is simple. Just ask them to vote for the president they were better off under. Simple easy.. take out everything else don’t even say the names. Were you better off four years ago( not during the pandemic) or now . Did you feel the world was safe did you feel hopeful about your finances . Did you have savings.answer honestly and I know what administration is vote for…
    These assholes complain that Trump lies… Seriously saying people say I’m the best president compared to Bidens economy is better then Trump’s are very different lies. It makes me angry that the Dems and their ilk think we are that dumb!!
    Biden is a danger to our national security!!! So something about it!!!

  3. While the debate was on, old Nancy was eating her ice cream and had a brain freeze. If she can’t see what everyone else seen in that debate, then she is not fit for any office. Get her out!!

  4. Sorry , but Trump was in control of the debate. He doesn’t have dementia. What’s sad is they put Biden on stage knowing he has dementia. His wife and others should be charged with elderly abuse! I will be voting Trump!

  5. The craziness never stops with these devil DEMONcrates, their clown fails miserably and all of a sudden DT has issues, seriously 😳. You cannot make up the degree of mental illness PIGlosi and her cult of followers have. America has to be the laughing stock of the world. F’n shill scumbags have absolutely destroyed our constitutional republic.

  6. This trashbag is the one who has dementia. Drop off the face of the earth nancy. You are a useless twat. Have another bottle of vodka nancy. TRUMP 2024

  7. OH MY GOODNESS. This woman Nancy LIElosy gave s me a headache. The ordacity of these people. I’m fully convinced that they are possessed by demons. Their hearts have been blackened. Their light is gone. But I know why the Republicans are called “the right” and the Democrats are called “the left”.Ecclesiastical 10:2 – The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.

  8. What the F is that drunk talking about. I guess, because she is the only person that can understand anything that sleepy Joe says, she believes he is cognitive. Two crazy peanuts out of different shells

  9. 🐖losi has major TDS dementia!!! Our lives were much better under OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP. The Economy, NO New Wars, World Standing etc. Under the current CORRUPT administration the World is in turmoil and it’s hard to buy a loaf of bread.

    • Right on point Claude. We have a small market about 5 miles from us. They are selling their hard crust Italian bread for $9.00 per loaf. Pathetic.

  10. Is she a doctor? Did she examine him?
    She is spreading “DISINFORMATION.”
    She should be deplatformed according to woke mob if they are actully honest.

  11. Dear Nancy, you obviously need a mental check yourself! Who do you think you are fooling? Oh and we did not judge Biden on one debate! Where did you get that idea? We have seen him freeze, stare off into space, walk away in directions he should not be going, having people lead him back, sleeping at events and falling going up stairs and even when walking on a flat surface. The debate was only proof that nothing we have seen has been fake. It was all real.

  12. OMG 😱😱😱 when did she become a Psychiatrist? 👩‍⚕️ this is called TDS (Trump Deranged Syndrome) wow 🤯 🤩 😮.

  13. Holy shit, How could anyone believe a word out of this lying hag! She is drunk as fuck, spewing BULLSHIT once again. I can’t believe American people sallow this shit hook, line and sinker!

  14. Looks like the old bag spits on her finger to comb her eyebrows. Or did she have more surgical procedures on her face.

  15. Nancy pelosi is probably the least credible person in Congress and the last person that I would ask an opinion of regarding either Biden or Trump.

  16. It obvious the only audience this old liar can entertain with her latest clueless rant, is the lowest common denominator within the democrat party. All 81 million of them.

  17. “IT WAS A GREAT PRESIDENCY.” and “IT WAS JUST A BAD NIGHT (re the debate).”

    Pelosi is a lemming tap-dancer non-pareil. Disgusting.

  18. Was she drunk? We all now she is an alcoholic? I know a lot of people are. But this nut need to retire and get some professional help


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