(Commenting on)  MUST-SEE VIDEOS: Black Voters Slam Mayor for ‘Destroying Black Community’ with Migrant Flood



  1. I hope these black people are finally waking up to the filthy policies of the democrat maggots and cockroaches. All illegals need to be thrown the hell out of every city, county and state. We don’t want them here illegally giving them freebies for nothing in return. Get legal and find a damn job. Come back in legal format, then we talk. Until then, get the fuck our of my Country. And people wonder why we despise democrat filth.

  2. Chicago, you made your bed now lie on it. As well as NYC/NYS, California, and all other cities and states who allowed this.

    Your are all creating your own sabotage and destruction of your communities. You all owned this.

  3. Brandon Johnson got the majority of black votes. These people had an opportunity to have a different outcome but they vote the same way every election. It seems some have seen the light but doesn’t mean they will vote different when it comes election time. Guess we will know how it goes in November.

  4. What MORE proof is needed ?.when will enough finally be enough ? ,what’s happening right NOW is inadequate ?? When will it BE adequate ?? Step up ot step OFF with NO more bitching . No more yapping talk is cheap

  5. What the people of Chicago have seen Major Johnson do to their City is what Kackling Komala will do to the USofA if she is elected. The black and brown people better wake up and VOTE for Donald J TRUMP.
    🇺🇸 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇸

  6. These people aren’t stupid they are just so used to voting democrat with the assumption that the Democrats will help them. I sure hope enough have finally wised up and vote Trump, if they don’t then they will be condemning themselves to more of the same. Then it will be all on them.

  7. Hmmm you devil DEMONcrate pie just got smaller and move over they have a “new” crop to harvest into the cycle of dependency. Your culture will continue voting for these devils no matter the outcome. Ignorance and dumb will not get you a bigger piece of the freebie pie.


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