(Commenting on)  Musk Tweets about FBI and Epstein Files; Left Points to Alleged Trump Connection



  1. IF DJT was involved I’m guessing it would have been out long ago. Of course knowing the evil of these devils just maybe some untraceable “doctoring” is taking place. There’s nothing these criminal scumbags will not attempt.

    • If there was anything there, this would have been used on him back in 2016, remember Hillary was supposed to win to keep Obama agenda of destroying the USA going.

  2. What concerns me if the lefts ignoring the pedophile in chief occupying the White House. He took showers with his daughter and we hear nothing about it from the CORRUPT MSM.

  3. I knew the left would come up with something new as the rest has not stuck to the wall. Just how did the left doctor the epstein list. Did they have 51 more FBI agents to sign paperwork saying it’s real? Pathetic.

  4. Wasn’t Biden accused sexual assault of Tara Reade? She’s had to flee the country. The two tiered system is unbelievable! It’s true…if Trump did this they would brought it out a long time ago.

  5. This is predictable from the left.
    Ignore Gates and Hoffman by pulling Trumps name into it. Pathetic.

  6. If there was any truth of this it would have came out in 2015 and 2016. This is all they have and no matter how many times trump has been exonerated from being on the island they still post it

  7. If President Trump was even close to being on that list, the FBI would have released the information a long time ago. Not only that, by now the crooked DOJ would have had another court case against Trump. Only the dems can make this stuff up and the weirdo and wackos will believe it all.

  8. Some other woman sees dollar signs so will say trump raped her when she was 13. No proof just she says so.

  9. If Trump was involved with that slime ball im quite sure the left would have been all over it long ago and crucified him way before now! He’d already be in jail! But because the left is claiming it now, after all this time, that makes me think they found a way to put his name on that list. Yet no one considers investigating slick Willy Clinton! If that list finally is exposed, and Trumps name is on it we should know it was tampered with! Why has NO OnE been exposed??? Why isn’t the fbi doing their job??? Answer: FBI is dirty! They’re protecting the liberals that are on that list!

  10. I am pretty sure that if Trump was involved with Epstein it would have been out day one. I say go ahead investigate Trump and Esptein but they would also have to investigate all of them and they dont want that and so thats why it just faded away.

  11. Well it worked. Instead of talking about what happened with Epstein and the cover up that has followed the narrative change to Trump. This is why nothing gets done..
    Believe it if their was anyway to connect Trump there would have been.
    I think anyone connected to that price of crap who participated or ignored what was happening should be protected.
    I also believe accusing people because you don’t like them is not helpful

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