(Commenting on)  MUGSHOTS: Mob of illegal aliens among those arrested over wild brawl in Florida



  1. And Obiden created this mess by FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMING THE NATION! Biden couldn’t do this on his own. He did nothing in the 40 years he was in politics!

    • I hate obama but remember when obama said these words “Give joe biden a task to do and he will fuck it up”.

  2. Start shooting them. Illegals already broke our laws. A couple dead illegals laying in the street may send a powerful message. Get the Firefighters out with water cannons and blow them down the street a couple miles. All in bidens world of open borders. The rot and filth continues over our southern border and allegedly over our northern border also. mayorkas the cone head condescending degenerate won’t do anything to stop it, nor will biden another degenerate. He wants those votes.

  3. Take a DNA sample and put it in a data base. Then send them back to their home country and let them start over. Then when they come back again and get caught they get a mandatory 5 years in federal prison. Then sent back to start over. Next time they get caught again its a 10 year sentance. Then back to where they started again. And add 5 years to the last sentance each time they come back then back to their country again.

  4. Only an Armed Revolution will straighten out this mess , the communist left are Hoping we don’t have the will to Make things Right. I’m locked And Loaded. Let’s get it ON .

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