(Commenting on)  Morning Newsletter 8/2: How Harris Polls are Manipulated



  1. I do not believe any of the polls except Trafalger and Mcloughlin polls. They are the only ones thst seem to be honest. The media lies,lies,lies and can’t be trusted.

  2. I see the hoe bag slut kamala had to meet the private aircraft of our released prisoners all for image and show last night at Andrews AFB. Thought she would get a couple million more votes, right? Reason that joe biden waited until election time to get them back. Why didn’t he do this 2 years ago. Dumb ass had to get greiner a hoop and souper back first. How much money did you have to pay russia this time joe you lying SOB. Later, why was biden coming down those aircraft steps that our prisoners just flew in on? Was it a diaper malfunction. Had to use the lavatory? Something the media forgot to erase, joe coming down the steps of an aircraft he didn’t fly on. This was after joe’s bed time.

  3. As I have said many many times, absolutely none of these fake polls tell the story, they are manipulated to get the masses thinking this ho has a chance which allows them the freedom to “rig” another election. Watch this one play out.

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