(Commenting on)  Morning Newsletter 8/15: Secret Service Agent Leaves Trump Post to Breastfeed



  1. DML, I have your app and I’ve just got on Twitter. Was going to ditch Facebook (aka, National Enquirer wannabe), but decided to stay on with them to share some of your articles and hopefully piss off the fact checkers.🤣🤣 Trump 2024!!!!

  2. You have GOT to be kidding me!!! Although I am a proponent of women being in Law Enforcement type jobs and still being able to have a family, this is pushing it entirely too far and IS dereliction of duty (in my opinion) if no-one is available to cover for that person while she is away from her post! Why can’t she use a breast pump to express her milk, refrigerate it, or put it in a cooler and save it for feeding her child with a bottle at a later time at home??? Many women do this when they go back to work after being on maternity leave and having a baby!!!

  3. Thank you so very much Dennis Michael Lynch for Always telling us exactly how it is! I’ve been a loyal follower for a few years now. I haven’t watched MSM in over 10 years. YOU are my source for news, all news. Now Denny, Ryan, Miss Mary and Ashley join the fold. Love it! I, too, quit FB about 4 yrs. ago. I don’t miss it. I see you on Rumble; great place to be, Chris is a defender of Our First Amendment; just like you. Glad you joined there, as well. I joined X about 2 weeks ago. Had a feeling that you might take that route, as well. Shame on FB for a multitude of reasons! Thank you & yours for bringing the Truth to me, and others daily. See you on X. Still trying to navigate my way around it. God Bless You All.

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