(Commenting on)  Morning Newsletter 6/28: Biden shows world he is mentally unfit; Democrats PANIC



  1. I think the demos will use the 25th amendment to remove Biden because Jill does not want to leave. I think Kamala will be the top of the ticket with Gavin Newsome as her VP because he is Pelosi’s nephew. She runs the party along with Obama.

  2. All part of the plan folks, the shills are setting us up for the “big surprise”. This perverted dummy will not be their nominee.

  3. I think the big surprise will be… Marshall law and no election as we will be in another war.
    I read somewhere that Soros foundation has purposely started conflicts to get the US involved in them and this would be the outcome.
    I don’t think Michelle Obama will run as she hated the WhiteHouse.
    Newsome the snake with hair gel , is so hated in California, the American citizen sees the cesspool in California.

  4. Biden is their meal tocket. They asked for him, they got him. They propped him up so much they cant let him fall. Even if the have to strap him to a furniture dolly and move hin around py handlers. But a transmitter in his mouth so it looks like he’s talking.
    By the way, notice how things arent going well for hunter anymore? Thats because daddy is becoming more irrelevent by the day. Hunters clout is deminishing as the rats jump ship.

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