(Commenting on)  MIND-BLOWING: Blue state ends basic reading and writing skills test requirement for teachers



  1. Typical Democrat brilliance! We’re going to have teachers who can’t read and write proficienty and don’t know math to teach our children Reading, Writing and Math!!!! What could possibly go wrong!??!?? Even for Demonrats, this is comically stupid!!

  2. Holy Shit! if you can’t read write or do simple math you certainly have no business teaching children …. 🤦‍♀️WTH isn’t it bad enough kids think they are cats and dogs or God forbid a different sex or no sex at all…. we need highly skilled people as teachers, and that requires the skill of reading and writing !

  3. kids at this point can’t even count change. Nor can some speak correct English. They have their heads in their phones 24/7. This is pathetic.

  4. The Dumbing Down of America, coming soon to schools near you. Produced by the Democratic Party.
    The country already has an issue with students not excelling in basic studies due to mandated school closures from COVID-19. Why not make it better instead of worse one might ask. I suspect that the dumber the citizens are, the more the democrats can control them.
    Everyone needs to wake up before this comes to your state!

  5. Really?!!! A barrier for a teacher is to know how to read and write!!!! Guess there will be multiple teaching jobs for non- speaking illegal aliens in Jersey .

  6. Just another reason the Dumb Dems lost the election! So full of themselves they think this is a good idea. Even the uneducated know it is not! Stupid is as stupid does!

  7. This is the stupidity of the socialist liberal.
    Crime to high and to many people going to jail. Change the laws and no more crime statistics.
    Have a shortage of teachers that’s okay don’t require the teachers to even know how to read and do basic math. Good that way the kids who are graduating without being able to read, write or do math can now teach as well…
    I hear parents say how hard school is for the kids and how they push the kids to hard. Have you looked at what other countries teach their kids. Hell what we taught in school in the 1800s.. we are dumbing down Americans and allowing certain chaos to reign. The politicians are alot of the issue technology is a lot of the issue but my God we are the issue! Who is allowing this to happen?


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