(Commenting on)  MIGRANT CRIME EXPLODES: Shooting near NYC migrant shelter leaves 1 dead, 2 wounded, local residents voice outrage



  1. Then you asshole residents better stay behind closed and locked doors in your homes because you may be mugged or raped by what you voted for. The illegal freeloaders, rapists, thieves and destroyers at it again. Next you will get the terrorist islamic murderers and rapists. How pleased are you with who you voted for, new york residents? You voted for it, now eat it.

  2. LOL: Serve out the violence to these dumb ass new yorkers. They are gluttons for punishment. They could have their entire family gang raped by illegal aliens and they would still vote for open borders and a democrat president. Just leave them to fend for themselves. U can’t ever fix stupid.

  3. FAFO dumbasses keep voting democRATS into office. You get what you deserve. No sympathy from me. President Trump had the lowest ILLEGAL count in history. We vetted them so criminals weren’t allowed in. ICE did their job. DJT deported criminals. These democRATS don’t care about you. #FJokeBRIBEden. #TRUMP2024ToSaveAmerica

  4. Oh cry me a river ! You voted for this ! You continue to vote democrap! And will continue to vote for this so tough shit!!!! This is what you get when you vote democrap! I do not feel sorry for you at all! How stupid can you be? We warned you! Trump warned you but you replied with hate for Trump and his voters so now live with the shit YOU created!!! F you all!

  5. I agree…you get WHAT you vote for!!! Anyone stupid enough to be a Dem/lib and vote for Dems/libs deserve everything they get!!! Sorry, NOT sorry!!!

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