(Commenting on)  Mid-Morning News Briefing: Biden’s disastrous debate performance, Dems panic, more…



  1. Last night in the post debate analysis we were treated to theater. When they tell you prominent leaders in the Democrat Party texted them in a panic, know you are being hustled. That’s not how the political leaders operate. The post debate analysis was planned and staged well before the debate. The only thing real is Biden has severe cognitive decline and it’s a lie that they were not aware of its severity prior to the debate. They don’t care about that. Their concern is the believability of his victory when they steal the election again. Nobody is going to buy it and they know it.

  2. The News this morning is praising Karmela and I see them putting her in her place. Democrats have a lose, lose situation right now.

    • I don’t think even kamala will be a problem. Americans can’t stand that twat. She is dumb and incompetent. She couldn’t even do her assignment as border czar properly. She is as useless as joe. I see rachael maddow is just slobbering all over herself today. Probably that “wanna be wishes she was white” joy reid is spittin’ nails today also. They are still trying to prop up the stupid bastard joe biden. TRUMP 2024…..did I say TRUMP 2024.

    • These bastards can’t even accept the fact that nancy pelosi already admitted (and it’s on video) that she should have allowed 10,000 National Guard Troops that President Trump offered. Too late now you useless KUNT pelosi. Pelosi’s daughter was there to film the shit-show. You pelosi caused this and we all know you planned it along with michael stenger sergeant at arms and muriel bowser DC mayor and the DC police and the FBI who were swarming that day in MAGA gear only to direct people to the Capitol to cause a fake insurrection. Scumbags.

  3. Commie Joe basically threatened Trump at the end by saying he’s a whiner and won’t accept results. That’s a tell all they are going to CHEAT. There’s no other way. That’s why the witch asked Trump twice if he’d accept the results. He responded correctly. If it’s a fair election! We know it’s not going to be. Look at the proof on the stage last night.
    We need to watch and watch like a hawk!

  4. What a slap in the face to the families of the 13 American Patriots who came back home in body bags. joe biden, you are a joke and a disaster to America. Isn’t it ironic that you fumbled at minute 13, but failed to remember 13 dead American Patriots among the many other Americans you left in afghanistan to be murdered after the fact or locked in their prisons to be dealt with later. And the billions of dollars in equipment that you left for the enemy to seize. FU joe biden. My heart goes out to the families of those lost and those left to die after your incompetent pull out from afghanistan. All because of your stupidity. May you rot in hell joe biden you despicable bastard. Even hell doesn’t deserve your ashes but I can’t think of any other place lower than hell for your slimy ass.

  5. Our country is in jeopardy. Wouldn’t ingesting performance “inhancers” be considered fraud or cheating? We screen athletes all the time, why not screen politicians? The Dems are scrambling but I think it’s all apart of the plan. Joey will not be the nominee. The Dems are going to find a way to slide someone other than Harris into the slot. Watch for some big red flags. It will probably be Newsom or Clinton. I know they are both universally hated and it will be risky. But the cheat is already in motion. Folks need to wake up NOW! Do Republicans have a back up if the worst case scenario comes to light? It’s going to get really bumpy from this day forward. I’m afraid for my country. Evil needs to be stopped. I pay no attention to all the chatter by Dems or the MSM. It’s all a form of gaslighting. PRAY for Trump. PRAY for our country!

  6. biden not only lost his train of thought, he lost his BRAIN of thought also. I guess his mom prayed for brains when he was born, but he got trains instead.

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