(Commenting on)  META DECISION: Oversight board claims anti-Israel rallying call is not hate speech



  1. The only way it is not hate speech is if you are a liberal piece of 💩 who sides with the Israel haters. They want to wipe Israel off the map as they attacked first and I hope Israel sees an end to every Palestinian. This is the only way Israel will have peace.

  2. Who died and made Zuckerfu God. It’s anti Semitic?and pure hate.and he’s Jewish. Mind blowing.

    Please Elon buy Facebook!!

  3. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you. KING OF THE ETERNAL UNIVERSE! Sounds pretty serious.

  4. I don’t give a rats ass about palestinians. They aupport hamas who started this. Israel needs to finish hamas off by exterminating them.

  5. Okay so using that logic using the N word is okay for white people. It has different meanings depending on who is saying it correct .
    The original meaning of that phrase and what it means to the Jewish people is the point..
    Facebook sucks plain and simple

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