I am going to be racist now and I don’t care if anyone likes it or not. I am outraged that this bastard has gotten away with this all this time and was allowed to continue in his position. He happens to be black but they don’t show his face. WTF. We can see he is black. Does his black ass know how dangerous this is? He is more concerned about his DEI hires than safety. This is an insult to his race, now isn’t it? He needs to have a visit from law enforcement, the FAA, the NTSB heads and pay a huge fine for starters. Hopefully Sean Duffy will act on this immediately. Appears he has already set something in motion. This pig should be fired immediately. There is evidence that he tampered with hiring practices and jeopardized lives for his DEI cause. The SOB should be arrested and hauled off to jail inciting harm to others who are traveling. This puts everyone who boards an aircraft in danger from his stupid moves like this. If you are too dumb to pass the test, then you don’t belong in the ATC system. FU shelton snow, you despicable, reprehensible, hateful, lowlife POS. I hope your ass never sees life outside a jail cell from this day forward. I hope airlines, freight hauling companies like FedEx, UPS, etc. will also get involved. This is outrageous. IT IS MY BUSINESS as well as the business of millions of other Americans who travel every day and hundreds of companies who use air transportation for their businesses. Irrespective of race and gender, we need the BEST, THE BRIGHTEST, THE MOST EFFICIENT, MOST KNOWLEDGABLE we can get for ATC positions, not some stinking dei hire who can’t find his/her ass if it were handed to him/her.
I am so tired of democrats all they do is spend and destroy destroy some more then spend more they are the most incompetent party ever to walk this planet. No wonder we’re in bad trouble. Thanks to the Democrats, and everyone one of them needs to be voted out they are irrelevant today that part is history no more ever!
Air traffic controllers aren’t the only ones impacted by their hiring decisions.
They were hiring people with mental illness, paralysis, epilepsy.
There are safety inspectors that inspect Part 145 Certified Repair Stations that don’t have a clue what makes a plane get off the ground. We have had some idiots at our airport.
I am going to be racist now and I don’t care if anyone likes it or not. I am outraged that this bastard has gotten away with this all this time and was allowed to continue in his position. He happens to be black but they don’t show his face. WTF. We can see he is black. Does his black ass know how dangerous this is? He is more concerned about his DEI hires than safety. This is an insult to his race, now isn’t it? He needs to have a visit from law enforcement, the FAA, the NTSB heads and pay a huge fine for starters. Hopefully Sean Duffy will act on this immediately. Appears he has already set something in motion. This pig should be fired immediately. There is evidence that he tampered with hiring practices and jeopardized lives for his DEI cause. The SOB should be arrested and hauled off to jail inciting harm to others who are traveling. This puts everyone who boards an aircraft in danger from his stupid moves like this. If you are too dumb to pass the test, then you don’t belong in the ATC system. FU shelton snow, you despicable, reprehensible, hateful, lowlife POS. I hope your ass never sees life outside a jail cell from this day forward. I hope airlines, freight hauling companies like FedEx, UPS, etc. will also get involved. This is outrageous. IT IS MY BUSINESS as well as the business of millions of other Americans who travel every day and hundreds of companies who use air transportation for their businesses. Irrespective of race and gender, we need the BEST, THE BRIGHTEST, THE MOST EFFICIENT, MOST KNOWLEDGABLE we can get for ATC positions, not some stinking dei hire who can’t find his/her ass if it were handed to him/her.
They make themselves look bad…and they do not care. They’ve gotten away with it for too long.
This BS has got to stop. Only the best and brightest for a job. MERIT! This clown needs to go to jail for fraud.
I am speechless that accounts for a lot of what’s been going on lately they’ve hired dummies. And they have put every person at risk.
This guy has blood on his hands.
But so does Obama, the Clinton’s, Biden and Harris.
Probably a lot more too.
It’s time to clean house.
Right on point Claude. hillary has had blood on her hands since Benghazi and she is still walking free.
Thanks for the right on BaeBae, but this could have been my brother Clyde( family had a thing about C’s).
I sincerely hope Duffy FIRES his ass ASAP🤬🤬🤬
I am so tired of democrats all they do is spend and destroy destroy some more then spend more they are the most incompetent party ever to walk this planet. No wonder we’re in bad trouble. Thanks to the Democrats, and everyone one of them needs to be voted out they are irrelevant today that part is history no more ever!
Air traffic controllers aren’t the only ones impacted by their hiring decisions.
They were hiring people with mental illness, paralysis, epilepsy.
There are safety inspectors that inspect Part 145 Certified Repair Stations that don’t have a clue what makes a plane get off the ground. We have had some idiots at our airport.
Disgusting.. that’s my buzz word!