(Commenting on)  Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore begs Biden to do one more thing to help Harris



  1. Mikey you’re probably gonna get your wish. I fear Biden has been paid a visit by Kilary. I am not usually a conspiracy theorist but I firmly believe Biden’s “call” today was AI. No way that was Biden himself calling. Too lucid. Has anyone seen him since he was assisted in the car from Nevada?

    • I agree with you. The voice did not really sound like biden. It was strong and not raspy like it is now. Could it have been hunter recording it. Their voices do sound alike but then hunter would be in on it. I don’t think that is what hunter wanted. He wanted joe to stay in the race so he won’t have to go to jail. “Pardon” but kamala will do that. Who knows with this crime family. They can change directions on a dime. That is the problem with AI. It can imitate a voice. I had a call the other day from someone who said, hi grandma. I have no children to have a grandchild. I let them talk for 30 seconds wanting money because they were in jail. I said, stay there, I’m not sending you any money. I’M NOT-CHO GRAMMA. They hung up pretty quick.

  2. michael moore, GTFO of here. Another giant blob of blubber shooting off his mouth. He looks like vomit warmed over. Go find an all-you-can-eat buffet michael moore.

  3. I agree with you. The voice did not really sound like biden. It was strong and not raspy like it is now. Could it have been hunter recording it. Their voices do sound alike but then hunter would be in on it. I don’t think that is what hunter wanted. He wanted joe to stay in the race so he won’t have to go to jail. “Pardon” but kamala will do that. Who knows with this crime family. They can change directions on a dime. That is the problem with AI. It can imitate a voice. I had a call the other day from someone who said, hi grandma. I have no children to have a grandchild. I let them talk for 30 seconds wanting money because they were in jail. I said, stay there, I’m not sending you any money. I’M NOT-CHO GRAMMA. They hung up pretty quick.

  4. Another Elite heard from!! Obviously we should all get behind him because he thinks Kamala Harris is the most powerful woman in the world!! who’s going to be the first in line!!! ZERO

  5. Moore is just stupid and believes he like other elites thing what they say is gold. But like I said he is stupid, and you can’t fix stupid

  6. Mikey is one twisted left winger nut. It’s very curious how they so quickly switched to O’Kamala. She’s actually worse than Biden. The right needs to be on full alert. The Hollyweird bunch will be out in droves and very vocal. It’s going to be a tough few months. The right needs to give back as much as it gets and then some. Look Babs is already tacking, now Mikey and soon it will be all the others. The MSM will be unbearable. Thank goodness we have DML keeping it real.

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