(Commenting on)  Leftist posts video suggesting Biden should take out Trump (video)



  1. Now depending on how you interpret what she is saying, I guess that would be a call for assignation of a former president. TDS in full display here, these people are so far out there with their ideology that they are willing to kill, well we new that because they would abort a baby at 9 months right up to birth. I guess they saw what everyone saw during the debate that Magoo is unfit for office and they have nobody that can beat Trump.

  2. Who posted this? I certainly hope someone reported it as a threat against a former president!

  3. Evidently this woman knows nothing about law or she would know the SCOTUS cannot be disbanded by the president. And is this a threat on the life of President Trump?

  4. It’s people like her, the craziest of the crazy, that have this country where we are today. Where is the FBI?

  5. Barak did a good job of destroying our country. Never thought I’d love to see times like what our world is coming to. And, if I was a person posting đź’© like this nut job did, I’m sure I’d get a knock at my door from the FBI and arrested. It’s sad bc I have a few friends who are Democrats and still think the party is what they once were, meaning for the blue collar working families. And there is no changing their minds. And the sad part is losing friends or family over this debate between the two parties. Ridiculous and scary at the same time. 🙏

  6. That law does not apply to the looney left. That law applies only to the consevative right. Dont you know.

  7. Mr.Bill tat seems to be the truth.
    People like her truly believe they themselves have immunity to say what they want because they are in social media. I certainly hope the secret service is paying her a visit. He channel should be removed.
    These type people truly believe what they are saying. These people listen to CNN or AOC and her ilk.
    I wish Trump would/ could have the Jan. 6th trial and all its information come out.
    This is also a problem caused by the liberal media. When they do not report all the facts and they edit videos to show a narrative people like her truly believe Trump is this horrible pet. It has to be true, everyone is saying so. Right?!
    The right side media is no better. I have listened to them and their fake outrage over stuff with the Dems. Personally I’m sick and tired of both sides of the so called media. We need truth in journalism. I don’t believe we even have actual journalism anymore. We have opinion pieces and shows…
    First way to take a country. Take over the media… We now know how dangerous that truly is..
    Pray for our country. Pray for Trump’s safety. I truly fear that someone will try and take him out.

  8. U guys. She just said it as a suggestion to give a picture of what he COULD do now tjat he has immunity

  9. She needs to be arrested! She just called for our President to be assassinated! If she said this about Obama she would be! 2 tiered justice system

  10. 1. The Supreme Court just reaffirmed what a prior SCOTUS ruled on Bill Clinton.
    2. Barak Obama did order the assassination of a US citizen using a drone strike and it was crickets from these same people.
    3. As we see more and more of these kinds of posts from leftists, it should serve as a reminder that they treat the word “Democracy” like they treat the words “Science” or “Racism”. They utter them liberally without understanding their meaning.

  11. Immunity doesn’t mean murdering others who don’t agree with you, you dumb bimbo bitch. I hope the SS come after your ass and throw you in jail. The bitch needs to read what immunity refers to. Presidential immunity covers actions relating to the OFFICIAL DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT, including those in the “outer perimeter” of those duties. Immunity does not extend to unofficial conduct, CRIMINAL CONDUCT, and conduct occurring prior to entering office. Does she know what CRIMINAL CONDUCT IS? Guess not. I hope the SS come knocking on her door The SS visited John Schneider (old Duke’s of Hazzard show) for making a similar comment about joe biden. Of course, it’s Trump, so they most likely won’t do anything.

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