(Commenting on)  Kids exposed to nude men at gay parade



  1. NOBODY should be complaining. NOBODY should be shocked! They knew what to expect so no outrage. In this world nothing should surprise anyone. I do feel sorry for the normal children because as they grow older their world is going to be a mess, mental illness everywhere, maybe chopping off body parts is actually a blessing because as much as they believe they can reproduce, it just won’t happen!
    The end is coming!

  2. Disgraceful and disgusting. This is what happens when government officials allow perverts to parade in front of innocent children. No punishment for these sick people. Unbelievable crap!!!!

  3. Reminds me of why god destroyed sodom and Gomorrah…it’s coming. Sickening. Shame on everyone who allows this behavior in front of children

  4. Who wants to look at these immoral gross pigs. Little kids don’t need to see nude freak men flopping around in the breeze. Pathetic.

  5. This happens regularly at San Francisco festivities. At the Gay parades and Bay to Breakers race I have heard. And then the gays say we’re coming for your kids. All in fxcked up city by the bay. These exposing gays need to be discreet just like everyone else.

  6. It began and ended with these ” parents”, to voluntarily bring and expose these innocent children to such revulsion . I suppose when a teacher or relative molests these kids .,the “parents’ won’t mind and will do nothing. There is a special place in HELL ready to accommodate ALL these abusers .

  7. Sodom and Gomorrah for sure. Im surprised so many people didnt turn around and walk away . They just stood there clapping and taking pictures . Disgusting

  8. I blame it all in the government officials who allow this shit to go on, this applies to any country, state, city. They all are ruled by Satan

  9. Omg!! This is gross beyond words! Shame on the parents who allow their small kids to see this! Our country had deteriorated in such an immortal way. Where did these idiots come from seriously! Disgusting.


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