(Commenting on)  JUST IN: Vatican Excommunicates Archbishop Over Refusal to Recognize Pope Francis



  1. This puts a period on the end of the sentence on how I feel about my loyalty to the Catholic Church!

      • schism
        ˈsi-zəm ˈski-, also ˈshi-; among clergy usually ˈsi-
        Synonyms of schism
        also : DISCORD, DISHARMONY
        a schism between political parties
        : formal division in or separation from a church or religious body
        : the offense of promoting schism

  2. The Pope demands that good Catholics agree with him accepting evil into the church. So let the corruption of the world into the church and see how that works when you stand before God.

  3. Francis is a notorious heretic which places HIM outside the church. There is no true pope at this time. Hasn’t been one for a while.

  4. Pope Francis…..the false prophet of the end times. In my humble opinion. Praises for this Archbishop.🙏🏼

  5. Hmm well I agree. The Pope I’ve questioned for a long time. There is no kindness in his eyes. An old saying is you eyes are the path to the soul.there is something evil about him

    • Jorge Bergoglio is a tyrant: he has shown himself to be extremely biased against traditionalist Catholics to whom he shows no charity while encouraging sodomite priests and rubbing noses with the Rector of Al Azhar university, an open enemy of Christianity. In this latest act he has again shown his vindictiveness. He has promoted an Argentinian Archbishop to Cardinal status who is the author of salacious perverted writings who was also appointed to the office that condemned Vigano.

      Because of his honesty and bravery in breaking the hierarchy’s practice of covering up clerics who commit sexual abuses Vigano is seen as a hero by many American Catholics who have been been badly treated by bishops who have treated them dismissively.

  6. I have Not considered this Pope my pope since day one. Something about him isn’t right, don’t like him at all. Every day that goes by convinces me he is on the side of evil.

    • You know I thought the SAME THING about this Pope! I am not even a catholic. I thought something isn’t right about him.

  7. From reading the above comments; I’m so glad to see that I’m not alone with my thoughts of this so called Pope. I haven’t accepted him from day one. I whole heartedly agree with the majority on here, there is something evil in his aura.
    What blows my mind- they excommunicated a Bishop, but not Biden or Pelosi.
    Lord hear our prayers.

  8. I am not Catholic, but I have said the pope was evil and not following the teachings of God

  9. I was curious why this priest would not acknowledge the Pope apperantly he is very outspoken about the Pope and believes he knew and covered up the sexual assault committed.
    I am not Catholic however have seen the news reports about how this Pope is very liberal and how the previous Pope has stepped down which is very unlikely to ever be done.
    I don’t want to offend anyone who is Catholic so please forgive my possible ignorance. I have a problem with a man being elevated to such power with any religion.
    The out spoken priest is possibly in hiding which seems very concerning that he feels he must be.

  10. I hope the archbishop continues to be the voice of truth in the church! The Pope is trying to lead the church with his own personal liberal convictions. If anyone disagrees with him, he removes them from their position in the church. SHAMEFUL!!!

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