(Commenting on)  JUST IN: Trump credits God for surviving assassination attempt



  1. It certainly was God alone protecting our President. The Secret Service sure wasn’t! Major fail there.

    • My thought over the last day is how could this 20 year-old piece of shit punk be that good a sharpshooter with an aim almost right on target. Our President certainly had God by his side yesterday protecting him from evil and I am so thankful that God intervened.

  2. Praise and thanks to God who delivered President Trump from evil! We pray that God will continue to bless our country and give us Our President Trump in November! God Bless America!

  3. Unfortunately I’ll bet this won’t be the last attempt! The deep state wants him gone! Just like JFK!

    God please protect this man and his family 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  4. Can Trump get a case that is bullet proof glass like the pope has. He could stay inside of it when he gives his speeches

  5. God and Trump’s Guardian Angels were definitely there as they have been through all the dreadful.vile things they have slung at Trump ,who at every turn has emerged BIGGER and BETTER . The world saw it all LIVE ..no covering up,editing or anything. Mainstream tried downplaying it but it was LIVE . His donations and merch are going to skyrocket !! With more people jumping ship.and voting for him.

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