(Commenting on)  INPUT: Trump advocates for certain jail sentencing for flag burning; your thoughts?



  1. Actually I belive if you don’t like it here we should send them where they are protesting for. It’s America love it or leave it you can protest all you want peacefully but burning our flag is a act of treason so no don’t lock them up just send them to where they act like it is all sunshine and roses🤔🤷‍♂️

    • I agree also. And sending them to where ever is a good idea as we won’t have to support their sorry arses with room and board. Burning our flag is inciting v!olence. Just because we’re not barbaric like they are and act violently when we’re offended doesn’t mean they’re allowed to do it. And if they want to call burning the American flag free speech, then doing donuts on the rainbow flag should be free speech as well. If they don’t like our flag and what it represents, then get the hell out or we ship them out.

      • Yes if these Gaza/palest. Protesters and terrorists don’t like things in Canada or the US, then ship these fuxxers exactly back to the places that they’re protesting for!! Not a cent of Canadian or US taxpayers money should be spent on the upkeep of such disgusting scum. And that means on the NEXT plane to Syria, Jordan,Lebanon or Egypt, and let’s see just how anxious any of these countries would be to welcome them in.

  2. Maybe, three months , they will get the message . Our flag is sacred , anyone should be thankful that they have the privilege to lived here!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  3. Burning of the American flag is not free speech. Free speech is you can stand and talk about your concerns peacefully . Speech is voice not destruction.

  4. I agree! I also believe that ENGLISH needs to be made Our National Language. This would help LEGAL Immigrants assimilate into Our Culture.

  5. All this insanity has to stop. And has to start somehow so if flag burning is a year in jail so be it. Maybe that would be a start to ending this insanity.

  6. I think a one-year jail sentence for burning an American flag is excessive but that doesn’t mean that I think that it should go unpunished. I would be more in favor of some type of public corporal punishment like caning or whipping – something to humiliate and shame the perpetrator.

  7. Burning our flag should never be an expression of free speech. Arrest them and prosecute to the full extent.

  8. Should be 3 months, 1 year if flag is taken from a flag pole, desecrated and another nation’s flag put up in its place. Automatic mandatory for citizens, automatic deportation for anyone here ILLEGALLY or on student visa.

  9. American Citizen, one year in jail followed by one year of public service, then $5000 fine. Can’t pay the fine, another six months in jail followed by another six months public service. All noncitizens here illegally, those with green cards and visas, deport immediately even if they are in college. Too bad, you had your chance to assimilate and you refused by stomping and burning our Flag. Cancel their passports, put them on no-fly list, with no re-entry into the US. They disrespect the US, we don’t want these maggots here.

    • Totally agree! Burning our flag is not exercising free speech. It’s defacing property! The flag belongs to all American patriots and the men and women who defended it! Burning it should be considered a criminal act!

  10. At least one year. And also anyone desecrating monuments should serve time too. What they destroyed in DC the other day is inexcusable. And the police need to do their jobs and prevent these kinds of protests that destroy and of course those that are violent.

  11. Well then, burning the palestinian flag, the rainbow flag, hamas flag is also considered protected speech. Burning any countries flag which any group has issue with is free speech and protected under our constitution.
    So when palistinian supporters burn the american flag, that means the offended american supporters have the right to burn the palistinian flag as well. It works both ways.

  12. How about a year of hard labor. If you get arrested for burning a LGTB etc flag or placing skid marks on a crosswalk then burning our FLAG and vandalizing monuments should also warrant an arrest. Put them on a work crew cleaning up all the trash for a year. If you repeat the crime then double up the time.

  13. IMO if you buy a flag and burn it that’s your business. If you steal a flag and burn it that’s a crime. Municipal ordinances against burning anything or setting a fire in a public place should be a crime. Defacing any public or private property is a crime and should be enforced. Punishment should be harsh. The problem is bullshit propaganda infecting minds and lack of swift and firm law enforcement. If a person wants to jump up and down on a soapbox and spew hate and false propaganda, go for it, only morons will listen, but once they step over the line firm action is needed.
    KH is correct, college students in America are stupid. They lack critical thinking skills because they have not been educated before college. Once in college they will believe and swallow anything their professors preach. Just look at the courses offered for the humanities requirements for a degree. Mostly left leaning crap.

  14. On governments property yes they should spend at least a year in jail. If they are foreigners deported no excuses. If you do it on your own property, that’s your right as freedoms of speech.

  15. Burning our flag, destroying our monuments and inciting violence is not free speech this is an act is terrorism and should be penalized with a prison sentence. These people should be held accountable about time that the US criminal system stop this acts against our country! ❤️🇺🇸

  16. Definitely yes. I also think there should be one flag in the classrooms. They put up all these other countries’ flags in the classrooms. If students want to see their flag…..they should ask their parents to take them back to their country to see it…..or show them the flag they have in the trunk of their car.

  17. Burn an American Flag? You are OUT. Period. They get a one way ticket out of the country of their choosing….and you ain’t coming back. It’s cheaper than jail time.

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