(Commenting on)  INFLATED: Labor Day Weekend BBQ costs have soared under Bidenomics



  1. But if you believe c*ntmala the economy is just great under Biden/Harris. Bahaha 🤣
    Why is no one waking up. We live in a twilight zone.

  2. Our grocery bill has increase 48% since Magoo took office. I spent 65% more for my labor day bbq then I did in 2021. So I dont know where they are getting their statistics but I think they are still trying to protect this administration.

  3. When Biden took office I remember noticing everything went up about .50cents then .75 then a dollar and up and up. It’s not just groceries that have literally doubled but everything we consume. Utilities, Fuel, building supplies, on and on. I’ve noticed other taxes in my grocery bills as well. Yet people do not pay attention because Trump is mean…

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