(Commenting on)  House Democrat calls out his own party for fear-stoking rhetoric about Trump



  1. Get that “squad” out of the seats of government will be a great start to unity and peace.
    The Left has their radicals in prominent seats.
    The Right does’nt do that. The radicals are Out There in the fringe.

  2. Dennis somehow make this so we can put it on Facebook. I would love for this to be on Facebook and then I can also put it on Instagram but I’m not on X so I can’t touch it please do thanks PS I love your work.

  3. Not only the media and the dems but the lib drifters on Twitter are the worst. Musk needs to bam all of their accounts. They even post memes with trump in a casket and when reported they won’t remove it

  4. Well said! I wish that I believed that the current leaders of the Democrat party believed similarly but unfortunately, I don’t. I can only judge them by their actions and their actions seem to be focused on the destruction of America. Let’s pray that they have a change of heart. It brings to mind the caption of a cartoon I saw a long time ago. “Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between bright men bluffing or idiots who really mean it”.

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