(Commenting on)  HORROR CRASH: ‘Beloved’ Georgia Realtor Killed by Illegal Alien Freed into U.S. by Biden’s DHS



  1. Use this illegal alien as a crash test dummy. As i said many times, it is the run of the mill illegal alien that pose a grave threat to us Americans. Tom Homan is pressing on just deporting incarcerated illegals and the fee gang bangers. It is scum like this Honduran that pose the biggest threat to Americans. They are a ticking time bomb.

  2. I believe once the brain-dead meat suit biden tumbles down the stairs of AirForce 1 for the last time, anyone can sue the SOB. I hope there are multiple lawsuits against him and his filthy family of grifters. Specifically, the families of those who experienced murdered family members at the hands of those pigs that joe just commuted their death penalty sentences.

  3. I am SO sick of these illegals coming here and driving illegally without a Driver’s license (or a suspended one), unregistered vehicle, uninsured, and uninspected vehicles! As a Cop for over 20 yrs. I dealt with more than I care to remember!!!

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