(Commenting on)  Hillary Clinton mocks Republicans over new nickname for Tim Walz



  1. lol either way Tampon Tim , I’m betting there isn’t enough lube to ease the pain regardless of where you insert said tampon Sir. Stupid should hurt!

  2. Killery has lost her mind if she thinks putting Tampons into BOY’S restrooms. Most of the Country finds the idea ridiculous and a big waste of money. But that is the DemonCrat way…waste as much taxpayer money as possible!
    🇺🇲 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024

  3. Tampon Tim is nothing compared to the names we have for you Killary.

  4. Notice how Hilary didn’t mention tampons went into “boys” bathrooms.
    These leftist have made our country into a complete laughing stock!

  5. Have known her since her Arkansas days. Kilary and Billy Bob are truly both despicable people. They both should be in prison her especially because she is the one mainly responsible for the long line of mysterious “suicides” of people that knew too much!

  6. When will this stinking wrinkled fossil douche bag disappear into the woodwork. Better yet hillary, step in front of a bus.

  7. This is absolutely ridiculous!!!!! Boys & men don’t have Menstrual Cycles ONLY GIRLS FROM AGES 12 until they reach the ages of 50 then it ceases. Just like men cannot conceive because they don’t have Wombs!!!!

  8. Answer me this: If a boy has a period, where does he put a tampon?? Now this I’de like to see. Or, maybe not!! Whatever. Anyway, I do believe these people need extensive psychiatric help!

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