(Commenting on)  Harris Tops Biden in Election Odds



  1. The normal succession, if Biden steps down as president before the election, is for the Vice President to become president (God help us). Then the Speaker of the House (God help us). The democrats can certainly run whomever they want, but time constraints may cause their chosen guru to be a write-in candidate.

  2. That map of the results is colored wrong, it shouldvhave ALL 50 States RED! The TRUMP TSUNAMI is coming in November!!!

  3. I had several senerios in my head of how Biden would be removed. We all knew he would not be the nominee.
    The one that seems to play out is that the American people would see how bad Biden truly is and Kamala would have to step in last minute to run the country. Watch if this does unfold Kamala will have success ( well the Dems standard) the media will gush all over her. She won’t be president ling enough for criticism but she will be in long enough for Dem voters to have confidence in her. She will be the nominee..

  4. Kamala is not a natural born citizen and is therefore ineligible to be president! Neither of her parents were born an American citizen… they’re naturalized not natural… SHE IS INELIGIBLE TO BE PRESIDENT!!!

  5. Jimmy Hoffa would poll better than Biden or Adolph Hitler or Stalin or Castro. They couldn’t be any worse than Biden for Americans. He tanked the dollar, opened the border to who knows and the disease that they brought in, he killed our energy independence and woke our schools and military. All as Barry Obama ordered.

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