(Commenting on)  Harris taunts Trump over medical records, debate challenge, social media users respond in EPIC fashion



  1. Having another totally rigged debate with Kamala is obviously a no gain for Trump? Nothing more to say or discuss not alresdy covered? Trump doing rallies instead !

  2. Komrad Camel-la you have some nerve. This coming from one who is hiding from the press everyday. Also, you are so sharp that you didn’t notice your “boss’s” mental decline even you were the last one in the room with every decision he made. You are ridiculous, you kackling crazy ass k_ _ t!
    🇺🇸 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇸

  3. Check this out Kamala Harris:” You are living in La La Land.” Hiding under a Big rock! President Trump cares deeply about The United States of America🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸and we the people. This Kamala is not stable, not smart, who could listen to her and vote for her?? I don’t see her as President of anything! And definitely not the United States of America🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸She has zero American blood, and it shows. Trump/ Vance🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Too Big to rig!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Vote

  4. She’ll say whatever she needs to in order to get the light off herself and her inability to have a serious interview, speak without a teleprompter or someone spooning the answers to her. Ignore the woman and concentrate on getting TRUMP/VANCE elected.

  5. That shows how mentally ill she is.

    Trump is doing 2 hour rallies all over the place running from one State to another. He’s dodged bullets. He’s done interviews and she says “he’s hiding??!”

    C*ntmala can’t even say one sentence without garble.

  6. Hey kamala, maybe you and Trump should have a debate on OANN OT Newsmax. You wouldn’t show up for these now would you, Trump would. You wouldn’t be able t I get the questions prior though. You’d have to think for yourself.

  7. You want a debate do one on Fox. Can’t do that cause you wouldn’t get the questions before hand or they would know your game about earpieces feeding you answers. You could not do a legitimate debate so stop wasting our time. We see what you are a bumbling idiot.

  8. Hiding away? Has she not been paying attention to all of the rallies Trump does attended by thousands of supporters? Or is she just plain stupid?? She should talk! She can’t give a straight answer to a question without spewing a word salad! She doesn’t do press conferences without a teleprompter and she shies away from interviews! But she wants another debate so she can cheat! Every time she opens her mouth a lie comes out of it! She is pathetic! The sight of her makes my skin crawl! I can’t stand her!


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