(Commenting on)  HAITI: Prime Minister demands more foreign aid and military assistance to quell nationwide violence



  1. No law and order! Well, boo hoo. Our country needs it way more. Oh, wait… I forgot just ask c*ntmala she’ll be glad to take in all your criminals for free. Not a problem.

    wtf. 😳 this has got to stop.

  2. Why is the international community sending money to other countries to stop civil unrest? We interfere way to much in other countries. Seriously we need a Budget sheet to show where all our tax dollars are spent. Maybe the American people would wake up then.

  3. Dude don’t plan on getting it. They send our money to Ukraine and pale****, plus they help ship their te@@@@@@ here.

  4. Seriously 😳 how many times has the US rebuilt this country of savages? Or should I say we the people have rebuilt it. Politicians have done absolutely nothing for we the people EXCEPT figure out a way to fleece us for more $$$$ to spend.

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