(Commenting on)  GREAT REPLACEMENT SHOCK: Surge of foreign-born workers remake American jobs market



  1. Can we all agree that when Trump takes office, we must have a massive titanic deportation operation. No exception; ALL illegal aliens regardless of status, sex or age must be deported. No court, no hearings, boot them all out. They can use Whatsapp to do theor court hearings remotely from Guatemala.

  2. Wow us supposed conspiracy theorist were right all along again about the great replacement. Imagine that someone finally mentions it. Jerks

  3. Mission accomplished remember seeing all those single men, well they are sending their money home to their family’s. So a lot of that money won’t be staying in our economy. .

  4. Agree! They must go Home👋The United States of America🇺🇸🇺🇸 is my Home, my families home of many generations. I don’t like this Invasion! My great grandparents are looking down and saying. WTH? Biden/ Harris you Need to Be Fired!! From any political position. Must Vote Trump/ Vance🇺🇸🇺🇸Americans 1st.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  5. My daughter’s company in TN is doing this. The
    Americans are being fired and replaced with
    Guatemalans. She complained and got fired too.
    Hopefully, when Trump is elected, they will raid these companies and fine them huge amounts for each one.

  6. Obamas fundamental change continues. Sucks really bad down here in Florida. Thanks Ron. There is a city in Ohio called Springfield that has over 20k illegals. Thanks Derino.

  7. Glad I am retired and no longer in the job market and looking for a job! Glad I don’t have kids to worry about being able to find a job and be gainfully employed!

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