(Commenting on)  GRAPHIC: Photo of alleged shooter, deceased, leaked



  1. Two lives are gone. And people are celebrating? Disgusting! I’m just saying yall. He was probably doing what he thought was the right thing to do. Yes, it was wrong and sad. God help us , let’s not enjoy someone else’s actual death!! Please pray for our nation!

    • When a shooter tries his best to kill an innocent man (Trump) i am HAPPY the shooter is no longer walking among other innocent people. What he came very close to doing would have effected the WORLD! Yes, i am VERY happy he
      Is dead. I pray for our country and President Trump daily

      • Agree completely with you. I’m glad he’s dead. And yes I will be praying for the victims this pig hit. But not the shooter. He got what he deserved. And I bet it will come out the family knew something was off about their son but…….. blah blah blah

    • S…NO, what you are saying is disgusting. The celebrating is for the death of an assassin. I mourn for those who died in this horrific attempt to assassinate our future President. There are 4 families who are in pain tonight. One who was murdered while sitting in the stands, two that were injured and are in critical condition, and President Trump who was injured. He has a wonderful supportive family and American Patriots praying for all of them. That bullet whizzed within a hair width of his brain. The assassin deserved what he got, to be shot. Unfortunately, the pig cannot be interrogated for what he did. We don’t mourn enemies of America or assassins who attempt to kill Americans. That just doesn’t work for me as well as others here in this post. My Husband was in the Military, and to mourn an assassin is just reprehensible. The pig was probably paid by someone to do this. Is that what we do here in America now, have opponents in political races taken out?

    • S – People are not “celebrating the loss of two lives”! We The People are grateful that the life of an evil assassin was taken before he could have turned the rally into a murderous blood bath! That shooter deserved what he got! He was doing an evil deed. I’m sure if he had the opportunity to take down Trump he would have gleefully also taken down as many MAGA supporters as he could! I only regret that the SS are not able to get any information from the evil
      Pig! GOD was with President Trump and protecting him! God will work through him to save our country from destruction! We mourn for the patriots who lost life and were injured. God comfort their families 🙏🏻

  2. One less POS in America’s prisons to feed and clothe and allow a jury trial. Good riddance to the pos. I have no sympathy for his family. Send his dead ass carcass back to the country where he came from if he can be identified. Bill his family for the service.

  3. Should not have killed him. Just like Oswald. Just think the info we could have gotten from this brainwashed bastard about his funders and accomplices. May God heal Trump and those hurt . The deep, incompetent state has gotta go. And I mean now. God bless America.

  4. What is there to celebrate That he shot 4 People and the Demonrats are very likely behind it They have organized several assassinations on different presidents there was JFK also Reagan and now they’re hatefulness towards Trump has come to this. I pray for the families that lost their loved ones in this chaos and God keep an eye on President Trump

  5. Has anyone else seen the post on X where a man is being interviewed and explained he and his friends saw the shooter on the rooftop and were shouting and pointing to him and the police/secret service ignored them?

    • Yes, I saw that. Makes me wonder why there weren’t SS snipers on every roof in the area. Why only one roof?Who in the Dem party had him hired?

  6. Sick demonrats on social media. Saying that unfortunately the shooter missed when trying to kill President Trump. They should be held accountable and imprisoned without representation just like the nonviolent Jan. 6th individuals have been treated.

  7. Yes, many questions. Professionals use silencers and one shot a gone.
    This guy was paid and a decent shot but not a true assassin. Trump would be death, if that were so.
    I believe this was a warning to Trump.
    I have many questions regarding the sercret service?
    Why weren’t they on the stage with Trump . Always 2 next to the candidate. They were in front of the stage and behind it when you saw them run to him.
    Trump heard the shots and felt something and ducked. The agents came later if you watch the rally.
    This was a set up to scare Trump , once again to not run for President.

  8. I agrée with you GC. Also, when attendees shouted about the shooter, why were they ignored ??? Biden and OsamaObama just didn’t pay the shooter enough money.

  9. So much chaos (of course). But were there multiple shooters?
    Why is there dried blood on his face? And more current wet blood?

  10. How many people like Pelosi to Whoopi who thought damn he missed.
    I’m sure Twitter is full of people like this.
    Any act of violence destroys lives the family of the shooter are now going to be under scrutiny and have lost their son brother.
    Being glad the shooter is dead is a normal reaction because he is filled with hate and evil. I think the point S was making us we shouldn’t have a 20 yr old filled with so much hatred for a political person.
    The hatred for trump and the rederic about Trump and his supporters being the end of democracy. Remember what they accuse you are is what they are doing.

  11. Absolutely disrespectful! That cop or SS agent should be fired! Stop giving credence to these disgusting people. We need the the 10 Commandments back in public & college schools. We’re are so far gone as a society to allow this type of mental breakdown. But this is what the Dems thrive on. But something tells me this is what the Dems will use to get Biden to bow out.

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