(Commenting on)  GOODBYE: Popular retailer heading for bankruptcy following months of falling sales



  1. I haven’t shopped there in years. Got too expensive, but still hate the fact that the far left communists are destroying our great nation.

  2. In 2 towns near me, their stores are closing. One is in Paradise, CA, the town that burned in the 2018 Camp Fire. There’s been some rebuilding, but not all that much. A Big Lots opened there maybe 2 years ago. Was surprised that it was closing. Now I know why.

    As Harris has said, “Bidenomics is working”.

    Meanwhile, a small town north of and adjacent to Paradise had its first Hispanic “newcomers” move into a house. That town is about 600 miles north of the border. The local newspaper ran the story as if it was a wonderful thing. 😡

  3. We don’t have money to shop like we used to!! Gas and food is too expensive and we are barely hanging on!! I can’t afford to buy anything like I did a few years ago!! No new clothes shoes or things like a coffee once in a while! Or a burger out! Geez!

  4. We like going there once in awhile. I sure am seeing lots of big businesses closing up because Bidenomics sure isn’t working.

  5. We got here a lot before we go anywhere else to see if they have what we need or want. Went there not long ago and saved $600. On an idem we wanted

  6. Another stinking junk store full of chinese contaminated 29 cent imported junk. Put all that garbage on a banana boat and return the filth to china. No different than green dollar, family dollar, dollar general, dandy dollar, and dollar tree and all the rest of those junk stores. Their aisles are so polluted with chinese 29 cent junk you can’t even move in them. I cannot go in those stores. And kackling kamala says bidenomics is working. It’s working alright. That’s why these places are closing up. Every one of them has “dollar” in their title. I doubt there is a dollar item any more in any of them.

      • I will spew all I want Willie. We still have free speech here. It’s a fact, not an opinion. You need to start reading labels to see what is in products you buy. If it’s made in china, throw it back on the counter. Let some other uninformed sucker buy it. chinese garbage is all cheap, made in chinese sweat shops that barely pay workers a minimum wage. It’s time our tech products are returned to being made in America. Have you ever looked at the garbage toys these dollar stores sell for children. Number 2 and 3 dyes are in all of them. It is a highly contaminated ingredient in many products people buy to include foods. What is the first thing a child does with a cheap toy, it usually ends up in their mouth. They just can’t help but want to chew on it. china is killing Americans and they don’t even realize it. They are the biggest cons, counferfeiters, connivers, frauds, ripoffs, and liars in the world. They will counterfeit anything from jewelry and watches to clothing, tech equipment, and even aircraft parts. Does the name BOEING ring a bell.

        • Correction…Number 2 yellow and 3 red dyes are in all of them. It is a highly CARCINOGENIC ingredient in many products….

      • Just to prove I know what I am talking about and ‘NOT SPEWING CONSPIRACY THEORIES” here is a partial list of products made in the USA…HERITAGE SS COOKWARE, USA PAN baking/muffin/cookie sheets, Dresden products for the home, Billy Kirk leather goods, MATOUK BEDDING OF EGYPTIAN COTTON, LENOX FINE CHINA, LENOX CRYSTAL STEMWARE (VINTAGE), ONEIDA SS FLATWARE (VINTAGE), DULUTH PACK, Mountain Ridge A, Red Oxx Gear, Parrot Gear, Tires by Goodyear, Bridgestone, Cooper, CONTINENTAL RUN FLATS, Michelin, Pirelli, Yokohama, plus some others, Farm Equipment by Caterpillar, John Deere, Massy Ferguson, Kobuta, toys for children by Moose Farm, Jeep Cherokee’s made in USA, LENOVO and Apple Mac Pro Computers, many KITCHENAID appliances, SPEED QUEEN WASHERS AND DRYERS. There are thousands too numerous to mention so look them up here….Madeintheusamatters.com. You are a big boy Willie, I know you can do it, so get busy. I own products noted IN CAPS. Egyptian Cotton comes from the Nile River Delta where the soil is the most fertile for growing cotton plants. If you have never slept on Egyptian Cotton, you are wasting your money on chinese imported crap. And no Willie, I am not a snob, I just spend my money very wisely and keep my items for a long time.

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