(Commenting on)  GOOD NEWS: Dad wins full custody of son, 4, after child’s mother allegedly tried to raise him non-binary



  1. That is surprising news out of Californication. Congrats to the father and especially the SON 👏👏👏👏👏

  2. Congratulations Dad !! It’s about damned time one of the good guys won . Here’s to a great NORMAL life with your son ❤️

  3. This wacko mom. There are a few things I would love to say to her on this comment. But I will be blocked here. so use your imagination people. We need to start opening back up the state run institutions for these crazy people back in there

  4. This right here is the issue! It’s the parent or parents who have an agenda and want to create that issue within their child! Thank God the Court ruled in favor because it doesn’t seem to happen enough!!
    Also I’m confused. If your non binary shouldn’t everything be neutral? Why would you force an unwilling child to cross dress? And why are we now calling crossdressers trans? That is not the same at all. Just stop the insanity. Again. Good job dad for fighting for your kid and his well being

  5. The mom was a freak. Very happy the father realized this before it was too late. Congratulations to him and his adorable son.

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