(Commenting on)  Giuliani disbarred in New York



  1. Don’t understand who would want to live or work in either New York or California under current leadership.

  2. Fuck NEW YORK and the corrupt son of bitches trash that live in it UN American garbage NEVER EVER put my foot in that TRASH CITY AGAIN

  3. How quickly New York forgets. Rudy kept New York together after 9-11 and cleaned up New York. Now they are cruxifying him.

  4. What lies did he tell?? And all those after Trump don’t lie. Well Rudy, time to permanently move to Florida. FxCk NY. You did so much to make NYC great and now look at it.

  5. Travesty!
    Disgusting what keeps happening in my beautiful country.
    No w are not perfect but America HAD ideals to strive for honesty and fairness.

  6. I feel so bad for Rudy. NY is a cesspool of liberal dems that are ruining the city. They took away his livelihood for telling the truth. Trying to break him financially as well. I hate them.

  7. This is absolutely despicable!!! Rudy Giuliani was the best Mayor NYC EVER had!!! WTF is wrong with these people trying to destroy him!!! He told the truth as did all the other Attorney’s (such as Sidney Powell!). The 2020 election WAS stolen by Biden/Harris/Obama et al and I am sick to death of the Dems/libs lying and saying it wasn’t!

  8. Hurry up Rudy, Trump, Scavino, Flynn…and on and on. Release the info on the 2020 election that was captured by Space Force. I know you have it all. Bring it out!! Dump it on the world. It’s time to quit pussyfooting around. Too many are suffering. This all needs to be reversed!

  9. Lol…Giuliani at this point in his life dosent give a flying fuck. He’s retired.
    He will always be America’s Mayor !!
    He’s a 9/11 Corrupt Gov hero !

  10. They are after all of Trump’s posse. I feel so bad for Rudy. He pulled the ppl together after 9/11. Navarro, now Bannon… who’s next? It’s a shame to what the deep state has done to these guys. The cockroach’s🪳 obviously come out in the darkness but soon the light 🕯️ will shine. Spiritual battle between good and evil.

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