(Commenting on)  Future Ready Newsletter 6/23 — The Debate: Why Obama May Want Donald Trump to Win



  1. I tend to think if Obama wanted DT to win they wouldn’t have Biden spending over a week at CD to get prepared & juiced up. Just my thoughts because I think Obama is pulling all the strings.

    • I feel the same about a vote for Biden or Michelle. Any voting for either and we are lost as a country. And any American that would vote for either has just right out lost their mind.

      • Amen! According to Dan Bongino Michelle didn’t like being in the limelight and couldn’t wait to get out of the White House. Being with the secret service I think he has inside information.
        I guess her husband Barry could talk her into just about anything.
        That’s about the only thing they can do (barring an assassination) that could defeat President Trump. Everybody seems to have a hard-on for the Obama’s and for the life of me I can’t understand why.

  2. I think byedone will do so bad, and Obama, the Clinton’s and Pelosi want him out. This could give them the opportunity they’re looking for to nominate hellery for president keeping kamala as VP. We’ll see!

  3. Obama is not such a “thing” anymore. Many black people have realized that he did nothing for them or this country. He secretly gave Iran millions to boost up their military capabilities. Why would he do that??
    Because he hates America. And he is a secret Muslim. He pretended to be Christian to get elected. He is a deceitful human being acting like he is God.
    Kamala his pick for VP in the last election was done so he can control her. She is as dumb as a rock. Just what he needed. And she is the right color to suit his agenda.
    Most people see that she is stupid and polls show she is not well liked. She definitely is not fit to be president.
    I believe the only way they see they can win is to continue for Biden to run, hide him as much as possible, Obama start campaigning for him all over the country, and hoping the illegals in the swing states will vote as many have ID’s. and the mail ins will provide enough illegal voting like the last election since there is no ID required in many states / districts. They pulled it off once before and they could pull it off again.
    After Biden wins, Obama will continue being the one in power calling the shots. If Biden decides he can’t do this job anymore which WILL happen, Kamala will become president and Obama will be able to control her the way he did Biden.
    It looks like people have had enough of the Obiden regime, but it doesn’t mean Trump is going to win. We can hope and pray, but these corrupt evil devils, in that Democratic Party just might succeed again..

    • I watched Lara Trump on Trace Gallager the other evening after midnight. The RNC is hiring 100,000 or more personnel to include polling monitors as well as attorneys to monitor every pollng location, especially in swing states. They will be monitoring every mail in ballot that comes in checking for errors and missing signatures and signatures that don’t match what is on file or if ballots are received after deadlines. I don’t know why, but they recommend early voting, check online to see how and when your ballot was counted and recorded correctly. They have also been removing dead people from the voter lists and people who have moved to different states so that extra ballots cannot be out there floating around by the thousands for fraudulent activity. This is a start. Senator Wendy Rogers 13th District in AZ has been working tirelessly to address election fraud issues in the state of AZ. Of course the ugly democrats have been trying to silence her.

  4. Dml to bad you aren’t helping Trump get ready for the debate.
    You are right in point.
    My one huge frustration with Trump is he doesn’t point out facts and figures like you just did. During the debate with Biden before trip kept trying to interrupt him but I think that was the plan to unsettle Biden and make him lose focus.
    It made Trump look like a bully and didn’t work. It might have worked this time.. I’m angry. The Dems have proven they do not care about this country. The media has proven they are in the Dems pocket.
    Hollywood elite have proven they don’t live in the real world.
    Why because all these entities are pushing Biden or protecting him while the policies are ruining our country and actually killing our citizens. Our country is in the most danger since Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined. We are at risk for an attack from within but the first time in my life I also fear an attack from other countries.
    China Russia Iran have joined forces with their allies against us. Bidens dementia is in full display for the world to see and though I doubt Biden is even kept in the loop to what is even happening in our world I believe he is just put out in front of the teleprompter when needed Biden still has to talk with world leaders in the phone or in person.we are weak as our president. Or enemies know this
    Everytime i

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