(Commenting on)  FLASHBACK:Harris scolded Americans for saying ‘Merry Christmas’: ‘How dare we?’



  1. We say it because we are a Christian Nation celebrating the Birth of CHRIST! Sure we are not a perfect nation but we strive to become one. Also, where is her compassion for CITIZEN children who are suffering? Nowhere to be seen 🤬🤬🤬

  2. Harris is a hack, an empty headed camel toe. She’s an unless human being.
    She slept her way up, until she was picked by the dumbest president in history for having brown skin and being a female.
    We all know Obama is behind the curtain pulling the strings. Now we have different puppets for him to play with.

  3. FKH! She is EVIL! I will ALWAYS say MERRY CHRISTMAS. Don’t like it leave our CHRISTIAN country! POS!!

  4. I side with Trump when he said ” and we’re going back to saying MERRY CHRISTMAS” up.yours harris

  5. No one tells me how I can & can not speak!!!!! Tell me that to my face, b!tch & see what happens!!!!! You won’t like it àt all!!!!!!!!!

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