(Commenting on)  FLASHBACK: Harris said police could pay surprise visits to homes of legal gun owners [VIDEO]



  1. That communist pos whore need to go back to India she does not belong in America or if she become president she will ignite a civil war

  2. Hey kamala the kunt, will your home be raided also or are you and emhoff exempt. In another post, you said you owned a gun and you are doing nothing with 2A. Will your home be raided to check for the safe storage of any gun you own? There is a video of you stating that you own a gun and you wouldn’t be doing anything to attack our 2nd amendment rights. I don’t believe your lying ass. There is proof on your post that you are attempting to do something to 2A and lawful gun owners.

    • Hey kam-u-nist kommunist kammie the kackling kunt, have you read 4A. Constitution of the United States
      Fourth Amendment
      The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

      Unbeknownst to a homeowner, if the sherriff pays a visit or tries to break in without cause, it’s possible I will be fearful and my gun won’t be stored in its place, it will be in my hand. Is that a safe location, in my hand.. NC is a Castle Doctrine State and a Stand Your Ground State. Doesn’t that trump anyone infringing on my privacy rights if I am not accused of any crime.

  3. People wake up and vote red! This woman is as bad as Hitler! No telling what she will do! If you vote for her don’t say you were not told! And remember if something happens to her Tim Walker will be worst! Get these people out before we become Commies!

  4. Well- there was actual
    video footage of Biden not wanting precious Hunter and his other creepy kids not going to school
    with Black kids but Trump still
    got labeled as the racist


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