(Commenting on)  FLASHBACK: Embattled LA mayor once in consideration for VP, praised by Obama



  1. All I can say is that Barry picked Sleepy to be his VP and later realized the mistake he made. He really has no clue about the capability of LibTard family.

  2. she is straight up communist… look her up.. traveled to cuba every 6 months and adored their leader castro…. she gotta GO!

  3. Look into her terrorist background from the 70’s and 80’s. She should of been put in prison instead of being handed a position of authority.

  4. Typical, that Obama and Biden would praise someone who’s greatest achievement is destroying her city, just typical. Says a lot about their real agenda to fundamentally change America into a dictatorship.

  5. Well you know that old saying, 1000 atta-girls Bass may have acquired, but one dumb shit such as this one cancels them all out.

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