(Commenting on)  F FOR FACT CHECK: Pro-life group demands ABC News moderators correct claim about abortion



  1. Asking ABC “News” to make correction is an assumption that they a REAL News Network. Unfortunately, they are part of the Propaganda Arm of the DemoncRatic Party and will NEVER make the correction.
    🇺🇲 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇲

  2. There are numerous medications and devices to Prevent pregnancies so these idiots who don’t give a rats a$$ about babies need to use them or get fixed. So sick of people using abortion as the answer to solve their stupid situations. The only exception is rape, incest, harm to moms etc. people need to grow up and be responsible for their actions and use preventable measures.

  3. When someone is in a debate, the fact checkers should check facts, not their opinion.
    The former governor of Virginia was on the news making that statement.
    There will always be abortions as long as baby body parts are sold for research.

  4. Abortion is murder. Period. I agree for unusual circumstances like rape or incest or medical issues but then it should/must be done early in the pregnancy i.e. before a heartbeat. If someone is raped they already know what they want to do and don’t need to wait months then cry foul.

    The demonrats are evil! I doubt ABC will issue any form of apology. Every single so called “fact check” they did on Trump was a lie. They need to go back and fact check c*ntmalas statements. Stop her and demons from saying Trump has anything to do with Project 25 to start with and then issue apologies to the residents of Ohio.

    DML needs to sit with Trump and Oreo him for another debate in the meantime!

  5. Ask Tampon Tim if Minnesota has killed 5/ 6 abortion full term babies over the past several years…Horrible Harris VP pick proved Trump was correct about Virginia POS governor…

  6. Let them also fix the fact check about the animals/pets being killed by Haitian illigals. There has been several reports. Trump mentioned this however the moderators called him a liar.
    Funny how the moderators called about the story prior to the debate. Or were they actually looking into a news story? Nah they heard Trump talk about it at his rallies and wanted to call Trump a liar

  7. The moderators had already called to get information about the pets being eaten. Why? Because Trump has talked about it already and they wanted to call him a liar

  8. There should be a way to make abc news accountable for spreading lies. Or someone needs to hack their system and make them pay a ransom after taking the whole thing off air. I’m sure it can be done.

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