(Commenting on)  EXPOSING KAMALA: Harris Championed Allowing Illegal Aliens to Become Lawyers



  1. AND? Absolutely nothing was done, allowed these ILLEGALS to take the bar right? So, once again ALL your corrupt politicians are at fault period. We have been and continue to be lied to by ALL these scumbags all while we the people pay the bills. Disgusting 🤮

  2. I have no problem with not calling them illegal aliens. Illegal invaders is more like it, letting them take the Bar exam and practice law in the US is a disgrace that should have been stopped instantly yet here we are. Socialist Kamala is pushing her agenda to undermine our constitution and morals to destroy our country.

  3. She an AVOWED Socialist tied to the CCP along with Obama.
    🇺🇲 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇲

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