(Commenting on)  EXPOSING KAMALA: Elon Musk shares stern warning about Harris’s communist goals



  1. If Trump doesn’t win, and the only way he loses, is if they rig it again. We are done as a free country if that witch wins!

  2. Unfortunately, Marxist Taylor Swift has such an obedient following that will vote for whoever she wants them to vote for. These illiterate followers are not able think on their own. So, you end up with one Marxist endorsing another Marxist with a lot of followers. God help us!!!

  3. So let me get this straight. I have worked all my life to make a decent living and I’m supposed to give up some of my earnings to help out the people who have not tried to better their lives or earnings whatsoever? I believe life is what you make it. Or you can be like those who would just rather live off of the government. TRUMP 2024

    • I totally agree with you Trish! We need God first and Trump in the Whitehouse or we are doomed. I can’t believe how stupid some ppl are that would still vote Dems. These illegals are being handed our SS already, $1500.00 per month, free housing, free phones, 20% discount if they want to buy a home… when will this end? When Trump is in the Whitehouse! I have worked since I was 16 yrs old and by no means are we rich but we are financially stable. I’m not going to stand by and let them take everything we worked for. Get out and vote ppl!! DJ Trump for president 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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