(Commenting on)  EX-DEM DONOR: Barron Trump smarter than entire Harris campaign team



  1. She might not run for president again. But I’ve heard she wants to run for governor of California where I live. She’ll probably win. All the moron DemonRats will vote for her 🤬🤬🤬

    • california can have her, the dumbest of the dumb kalifornia, kondescending, konniving, kackling, “K” sucking kunt. No one else wants her. Maybe Kalifornians will finally wake up in the next decade and find someone to run their state properly. They need to get rid of the commie holly weird idiots who think people will follow them just because they can memorize and read lines. Not happening. Do people realize that there are prompters handing them those lines. There are prompters on every movie set. And they now have ear budds which can be hidden.

  2. They vote for her in California, they deserve what they get. I just hope the federal govt stops bailing out the state.

  3. She is done. She has the same look of defeat we have seen before..
    I have no doubt the Barron Trump will be a leader one day…
    I’m curious how the Trump family feels about Musk?
    He seems to have glued himself to Trump. God help us if they ever have a falling out….

  4. kamala has probably been crying behind closed doors for days now. The bimbo was sure she had it in the bag just like joe the scumbag biden did in 2020. Too bad, soooooo sad. NOT!!!!! She looked so disheveled the other day in a video, it was pathetic. Kinda like hilllary did TWICE, right hill-bitch? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

  5. When will Californians take back control of their state from the Deep State Corrupt Entitled Establishment???????? We the people 🇺🇸💪🇺🇸💪

  6. Look at pictures with her and Obama together and tell me that they aren’t having an affair! One in particular with Obama, Michelle and Kamala. It’s a dead giveaway.

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