(Commenting on)  (Ep.190) Ask DML



  1. DML,

    Why do you really think Dr. Ben Carson would have been a better choice at 73 years of age for VP? You criticized Vance for not going for the knock out punches during the VP debate. When I watched Carson during the 2016 debates, I don’t remember him challenging any of the other candidates. I viewed him as an intelligent, soft spoken, grandfatherly type. If you wanted someone to attack weakness, it would be Cruz, Haley, Rubio and yes maybe even Ramaswamy.

    Vance interviewed against tough crowds and more than held his own. He is Ivy educated but he came from poverty and a tough childhood. He as well as Carson overcame obstacles and represent the American Dream.

    Most people are tired of hearing about the last election. It just raises emotions on both sides. I think it is a non issue with the undecided. Time to move on. We don’t get a mulligan. Vance did well to avoid the topic. Richard Nixon did not continuously harp about the 1960 election when the Daley machine in Cook County voted dead people to help elect Kennedy.

    You mentioned Vance agreeing with Walz. How many times did Walz shake his head positively to topics mentioned by Vance. You have the mainstream media lambasting Walz. I guess no one was happy. Must of have been a decent debate.


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