(Commenting on)  (Ep.164) Kamala’s Campaign is Finished



  1. Dennis you are 100% correct. I bounce back and forth just as you do about Americas future. I can’t get thru to my wife that’s what Kamala wants for this country. She says it will never happen. I know she is delusional. I keep telling her we need to fill the basement with water. I believe that will be treated as fuel real soon. I have a pretty big stockpile as of now. I paid off my house 5 years early to make things easier. Ultimately I’m not worried because my God has a place for me and the wicked has this place. Just keep your soul ready at all times. Be in this world but not of this world. Bless you all.

    • If your wife won’t believe you I do so does my son etc ! We should join forces cause I’m the same way in my belief and my SO believes as your wife does !

  2. Oh my, There is no way I would ever date a crazy Democrat let alone be married to one! Of course things weren’t exposed to us back before Trump became president so I am not being insensitive to your situation but after 2016 I hope young people wake up to see where the Democrats has made our country into a country where Americans are the bank of all their corruption. Its time to unite against their corruption and lets get Trump back in the Oval Office to make our country great again and to give prosperity back to the Americans not the illegals by the sweat of our hard labor! Screw the illegals and screw the freaking corrupt Democrats! Trump is and will always be my president. The best of the best! Trump the people’s President!

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