(Commenting on)  (Ep.152) Ask DML



  1. I listen to your podcast it was excellent Great questions great answers.

    This time around I’m going to be voting early I normally go to the polls and vote in person but this time I’m going to do early voting since that is pretty much what all the conservative podcasters are saying vote early because apparently that’s what the Democrats do and they get a major jump because the Republicans go to the polls and vote election day.

    I agree with you totally about Taylor Swift and the celebrities. Her followers are not a concern right now but I agree with you regarding Mark Cuban his age group but Mark Cuban as far as I’m concerned is an elitist and he could care less about America and the American people. He speaks out of both sides of his mouth and he is going to do whatever he needs to do to fatten his pockets. As far as I’m concerned he’s just another celebrity.

    I totally agree with you regarding DeSantis he is a great governor and great for the state of Florida and he would have been a great vice president him and Trump would have been an unbeatable ticket. unfortunately he listened to Paul Ryan Karl Rove and my opinion of them they are rinos and as a result of it people got turned off. He should have waited he should have run as Trump’s vice president they would have been an unbeatable ticket they would have, to use Obama’s words, fundamentally changed America for the positive and then he would have had eight years after Trump. Hopefully Trump gets elected and then DeSantis will have his turn and hopefully he will get elected for 8 years. I think he would make a great president.

    My concern is as you said are we going to be able to get Trump elected I don’t care about his name calling because quite frankly they do it to him and you’re right it’s for a very short time during his rally he speaks mainly about his policies and what his plans are for America and the American people. I just saw Arizona is going to allow for federal elections only people to get ballots even if they cant prove that they are citizens. what is that all about. if you’re not a citizen how can you get a ballot and be able to vote in a federal election that makes absolutely no sense. And it’s illegal. So based on what I’m reading and what I’m seeing we have to be very concerned about voter integrity and voter fraud. Looks like Virginia youngkin is taking very strong steps to prevent voter fraud. he is making sure that Virginia has voter integrity. Every damn state should be doing the same thing.

    Once again GML love the newsletter the podcast was fabulous Great questions and answers you always do an amazing job. I hope Ashley is improving every single day. Special prayers for her.

  2. Great show as usual, i think ask DML is my favorite segment… He is the common sense of the generation.

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