They will not let it be Kamala.
First they will pretend she is not but they will work to get her out too.
Obama will tell Kamala what to do like he did with JB. Since she can’t think for herself, she will follow his orders..
Kamala is a DISASTROUS JOKE ? Absolutely UNQUALIFIED to serve as VP , let alone President??? 🤣 GLOBAL LEADERS would refuse to respect or recognize her type of MISFIT LEADERSHIP! 🥴
The will put her in so they can get the money from Donors , I believe than put the real candidates in.
P.S. You need a ID to go to seminars,
Why not for voting ?
Obama the fag want a hooker in the White House
Can I have a little vinegar and oil with that brainless lettuce salad kamala.
Whoever Obama selects as Joe’s replacement – and make no mistake, he will be the one making the decision- it will be another empty suit or pants-suit that he will utterly control just like he did with Joe.
If she makes it she’ll pick Pete the mayor. Check another box. First gay vice president
This is depressing cause it’s true. It’s like we won’t win no matter what because of the cheating. So why even vote?
Agree. I thought the same thing. I may not even vote. Just check out and enjoy whatever kind of life I can have. Very depressing show with DML today.
Agree. I may not even vote. Doesn’t matter anyway. DML about said the same thing. I think I’m going to just check out and enjoy whatever kind of life I can have.
What in hell is this not talking about what can be and burdened can be. WTH. We are so proud of you Kamala. You got to where you are the old fashioned way. You opened your leggs
I know this is going to sound really bad but why don’t we (Republicans) play the cheating game?!?! If we don’t think of some thing really fast we’re gonna lose our country to Obama.
All I can say is after everything that has been done to Trump by these pigs I pray he looks back on what’s already happened and says : ok I learned a GREAT many painful.lessons ,they have attempted so many corrupt things, i will NOT repeat my past mistakes the second time around . Eyes WIDE open this time , ose to the grind stone and I will.avoid going into the pig pen to.spar with them . Mark Twains quote comes to mind ” it’s better to be silent and thought a fool than your mouth and remove all doubt” Maybe with JD Vance on board ,maybe he’ll be able to.give some input.
Oop.i.meant NOSE ….I wish we had the ability to edit after posting ..
Like DML indicated…they can sell the steal with anyone but Joe. This was all planned.
Kamala will win because people will vote for her not because she’s the best to lead. It will because of identity politics. She’s black and a woman. And that’s all people will look at especially if she chooses a female VP. It doesn’t matter that her poll numbers were lower than Biden’s. Look at all of the current administration who were appointed because of identity politics. They have not been strong leaders and there have been performance issues. The honor of holding these high government positions should be left to persons who actually deserve to be there because of their outstanding service in the jobs they have held. Kamala was in DC for 4 years but what did she do during that time? Can someone tell me? Most of her time was spent out of sight. I’m sure Obama already knows she’s not the brightest bulb in the shed but can be easily led and therefore will relish the fact of being able to serve his fourth term Our country is in trouble because the average voter doesn’t chose what’s good for the country but rather DEI.
They will not let it be Kamala.
First they will pretend she is not but they will work to get her out too.
Obama will tell Kamala what to do like he did with JB. Since she can’t think for herself, she will follow his orders..
Kamala is a DISASTROUS JOKE ? Absolutely UNQUALIFIED to serve as VP , let alone President??? 🤣 GLOBAL LEADERS would refuse to respect or recognize her type of MISFIT LEADERSHIP! 🥴
The will put her in so they can get the money from Donors , I believe than put the real candidates in.
P.S. You need a ID to go to seminars,
Why not for voting ?
Obama the fag want a hooker in the White House
Can I have a little vinegar and oil with that brainless lettuce salad kamala.
Whoever Obama selects as Joe’s replacement – and make no mistake, he will be the one making the decision- it will be another empty suit or pants-suit that he will utterly control just like he did with Joe.
If she makes it she’ll pick Pete the mayor. Check another box. First gay vice president
This is depressing cause it’s true. It’s like we won’t win no matter what because of the cheating. So why even vote?
Agree. I thought the same thing. I may not even vote. Just check out and enjoy whatever kind of life I can have. Very depressing show with DML today.
Agree. I may not even vote. Doesn’t matter anyway. DML about said the same thing. I think I’m going to just check out and enjoy whatever kind of life I can have.
What in hell is this not talking about what can be and burdened can be. WTH. We are so proud of you Kamala. You got to where you are the old fashioned way. You opened your leggs
I know this is going to sound really bad but why don’t we (Republicans) play the cheating game?!?! If we don’t think of some thing really fast we’re gonna lose our country to Obama.
All I can say is after everything that has been done to Trump by these pigs I pray he looks back on what’s already happened and says : ok I learned a GREAT many painful.lessons ,they have attempted so many corrupt things, i will NOT repeat my past mistakes the second time around . Eyes WIDE open this time , ose to the grind stone and I will.avoid going into the pig pen to.spar with them . Mark Twains quote comes to mind ” it’s better to be silent and thought a fool than your mouth and remove all doubt” Maybe with JD Vance on board ,maybe he’ll be able to.give some input.
Oop.i.meant NOSE ….I wish we had the ability to edit after posting ..
Like DML indicated…they can sell the steal with anyone but Joe. This was all planned.
Kamala will win because people will vote for her not because she’s the best to lead. It will because of identity politics. She’s black and a woman. And that’s all people will look at especially if she chooses a female VP. It doesn’t matter that her poll numbers were lower than Biden’s. Look at all of the current administration who were appointed because of identity politics. They have not been strong leaders and there have been performance issues. The honor of holding these high government positions should be left to persons who actually deserve to be there because of their outstanding service in the jobs they have held. Kamala was in DC for 4 years but what did she do during that time? Can someone tell me? Most of her time was spent out of sight. I’m sure Obama already knows she’s not the brightest bulb in the shed but can be easily led and therefore will relish the fact of being able to serve his fourth term Our country is in trouble because the average voter doesn’t chose what’s good for the country but rather DEI.